403151 / 8635393


Home Economics Management

Home Economics makes a contribution to the whole curriculum when it is viewed as a design for successful living, personal development, technical expertise and career opportunities for both boys and girls. Home Economics also provides the opportunity to utilize modern technology for developing the skills and capabilities necessary for meeting the demands in the world of work.  Home Economics can produce well rounded, informed citizens.

Home Economics is offered for examination in three disciplines, namely, Home Economics: Management, Clothing and Textiles and Food and Nutrition. The disciplines offered articulate with tertiary level education programs, which allow students to acquire skills for advanced learning and for industry and business.

The syllabus for Home Economics: Management is designed to enable students to develop knowledge, attitudes and skills to manage available resources to attain family goals.  The course of study is intended to provide students with a range of management capabilities, including problem-solving, decision-making, management and practical skills to assist them in leading more effective lives, as individuals and as members of a community.

The syllabus for Food and Nutrition is intended to provide opportunities for the development of skills in the planning, preparation and presentation of foods.  This is a basic requirement for health and well being.  In addition, the course provides an understanding of the nature of food and the principles of nutrition. 

Social Studies

Social Studies contributes to the effective development of the learner by increasing personal and social awareness, and by placing emphasis on values as well as on social and interpersonal relationships. This syllabus seeks to ensure that students develop the necessary skills and at the same time introduces them to knowledge of social phenomena that may enhance their effectiveness as social participants in the Caribbean community.  It is also intended that, through the syllabus, the process of valuing would be made conscious so that persons become aware of their position, thus enabling them to bring conscious criteria to bear on their choices as social participants.

Although the main focus of the syllabus is the Caribbean, opportunities have been provided for the treatment of international issues which have a bearing on Caribbean development.

The syllabus content is organised into three major sections.  Students are required to complete Sections A and B and one Option from Section C.

            Section A         -           Individual, Family and Society
            Section B         -           Sustainable Development and Use of Resources
            (i)   Development and Use of Resources
            (ii)  Regional Integration
            Section C         -           Options
            C1        -           Communication
            C2        -           Consumer Affairs
            C3        -           Tourism