403151 / 8635393

School information

Schoolhours, Vacations, Schoolyear 

The school year starts the third week in September and ends the end of July.
The other vacations and holidays are parallel to those in Suriname.

The school hours:
Monday- Thursday: 08.00- 13.00
Friday 08.00- 12.00

Structure of the school

C.E.I.S consists of a primary school and a secondary school.
The Primary school consists of: playschool, kindergarten and primary 1 to 5.
The secondary consists of five classes: Form 1 to 5.
Form 1 to 3 is Junior High and Form 4 and 5 are Senior High.

The exam 

The examination period is in May. The exams are prepared and corrected by CXC. Students will write exams at the ministry of Education (MinOV)

Note: The school has no interference with the examination